weekly devlog#2

Hello everyone, I'm so glad to finish my finals , I did well and have the hole summer free to work this project so I will try to finish as much as I can in these 3 months, I also joined a gamejam which I will post a devlog about,without further ado Let's get into it.

So as I had exams I couldn't really work on a lot of stuff, so here are all the changes I made:

  1. I made some art (haven't finished it) to use for the thumbnail for these devlogs.   
  2. Added a starter melee weapon, (may or may not have taken "inspiration" from a certain anime named after a cleaning product),it has a lunging attack which can be used at the end of the combo or as a standalone attack with a lot more reach. 
  3. Added a weapon box which spawns random weapons, kind of like the mystery boxes of cod zombies.
  4. Added a different type of rooms for windows to see through into space.
  5. Made a few bug fixes, and fixed a bug where the reticle would clip through the walls, was easy to fix by changing the values of the z index, and finally made the bullets do a certain amount of damage based on it's type instead of just killing everything it touches( I just got lazy and did it later).
  6.  I decided on what the story would be about and the type of enemies I will make for the future levels. (Really loving the ideas I'm having so far and have a lot of ideas for weapons and enemy types)
  7. I changed the enemy you first encounter for the sake of the story and to make it a usable item later in the game. 

Now, for what I  have planned for the future:

  1. Add the other enemies needed for the first level.
  2. Complete a b prototype for the ui.
  3. Start adding an armor and shop systems.

These are the things I want to do for this week, I may not have given myself a lot of things to do, and that is because I am planning on doing a game jam and those are both physically and mentally tiring.

I'm so glad to have been able to do well in college and have worked so far on this project.

Final part (not related to devlog):

I just wanted to thank all of you for reading this far and for reading my other devlogs, it really makes me happy to see that people are interested in my game and I want to say that YOU each and everyone of you has made my dreams a reality.

Thank you so much for the support.

I will see you in the next devlog.


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